Parliament has convened a stakeholder engagement session to discuss the Property Rights of Spouses Bill, 2024, a crucial legislative initiative aimed at regulating the property rights of spouses in accordance with Article 22 of the 1992 Constitution, along with other related matters.
The objective of the engagement was to provide interested parties with the opportunity to propose amendments to the Bill as necessary.
The session was spearheaded by prominent lawmakers including Elizabeth Ofosu-Adjare, Member of Parliament for Techiman North; Patricia Appiagyei, Member of Parliament for Asokwa; and Gizella Tetteh-Agbotsui, Member of Parliament for Awutu-Agbotui.
In addition to parliamentarians, the engagement drew participation from legal experts representing academia and civil society organizations.
Their presence underscored the significance of collaborative efforts in shaping legislation that upholds the rights and interests of spouses within the framework of the Constitution.
The engagement served as a platform for robust discussions and deliberations, with stakeholders offering valuable insights and recommendations for refining the proposed Bill.
Through this collaborative process, Parliament endeavors to ensure that the final legislation effectively addresses the complexities of property rights within marital relationships, fostering fairness and equity in accordance with constitutional principles.
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